Chermaine Teo

Stuff only strangers read

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Rom-Coms & MVs


At 5:56pm I find myself trying to remember when was the last time I watched something that was supposed to be sweet and romantic (think Nicholas Sparks, ugh.) and felt good or resolved having watched it.

Truth is, I’m not much of a hopeless romantic, the “they-belong-together” kinda person. Though to be fair, I’ve had my share of awwwww moments. I mean come on, I still listen to Celine Dion, but never watched “Titanic”, not sure if I should be asking you to judge me or not.

It was during Secondary Two, when I went to the cinema to catch “The Last Song” with some friends, and we walked out of the theater like the sorry bunch of schoolgirls we were, sniffling and rambling on and on about how sweet the story was.

Fast forward to right this second, I can’t help to wonder if it was growing up that made me kind of impervious to the little, cute things that happens in an on-screen...

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Inside Llewyn Davis

So I finally got around to watching the film, and I have to say that every single song sung by Oscar Isaac in this picture got me shaking my head in absolute awe of his raw, unplugged voice.


The words: Gaslight Cafe, 1961 appears on a black screen as the sound of a busy restaurant gets drowned out by the warm plucking of the guitar. There sat Llewyn Davis (Oscar Isaac), who starts singing the song “Hang Me, Oh Hang Me” (originally by Dave Van Ronk). The lyrics rang within the cafe as the customers listened intently.

Put the rope around my neck, and hung me up so high. Put the rope around my neck, they hung me up so high. Last words I heard them say, won’t be long now fore’ you die, poor boy. I’ve been all around this world.

Llewyn ends the song, saying, “If it was never new, and it never gets old, then it’s a folk song.”, drawing giggles from the crowd.

If there was any...

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Am I, am I really?

It seems recently I’ve come to an inevitable realization. I’ve always said that I would write for a living, and as long as I am writing then I don’t really care about anything else. But it’s becoming clearer that I should start seriously questioning my purpose in writing what I write, and if my passion will eventually produce quality.

My perfect future of living in a place with a roof-shaped ceiling, with just one queen-sized bed in the middle so everything is still within reach, carefully clattered with books, papers, pens and a laptop is getting bleaker by the day. Oh, who am I kidding, I guess I’ll just settle for living in it in my head.

In all seriousness, it should be a good thing that I’m writing more these days, the articles and updating this deserted blog. I just can’t shake the feeling that maybe this writing thing should really only be a hobby. I tell people that I love to...

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A Cut Above the Rest

I’ve known her for over two years and till this day I have never once walked away from any of her performances with anything less than pride.

Today, people came to watch her show with their own expectations that they have set, people who have known her separately and outside of school, in a different way that I’ve gotten to know her. But one thing we had in common, was that we all had the bar set in a comfortable place for her art, nothing short of excellent.

I was blown away by the entire production, from the start to the end. I waited in anticipation for her set, and there she was. When the spotlight was cast it quickly became clear who the main attraction was. She trotted around the stage with her moves as graceful as we’ve come to know, and I couldn’t help but realize the smile I had on my face as I saw her get lost in the movement.

Just a couple of days ago she told me about...

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Happy Christmas

So last night was movie night, and I decided to put on something mellow to get me to sleep. Well, Happy Christmas wasn’t all that happy after all. You’d think it was. Alright, so, how gorgeous is Melanie Lynskey? Answer, very.

And I swear, I’ve seen my fair share of cute babies in my, very very short life. But this one had to be the cutest. Not cute, as in, chubby cheeks and stuff, though he did have really chubby cheeks. This baby in the movie was just the happiest baby I have ever seen. Like really, HAPPIEST BABY EVER.


Okay, now the good stuff. So the film in a nutshell, was about a 27 year old, Jenny Spelling (Anna Kendrick), who moves to Chicago to live with her brother, Jeff (Joe Swanberg, who produced and directed this movie, FYI). Her first night in town, and she gets hammered at a party, causing trouble for her friend Carson (Lena Dunham) and Jeff, who had to drive out in...

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Today I stumbled upon a picture on Twitter, and it was of Marina Abramovic, a Serbian performance artist. The picture had her standing still, and in tears with the top half of her body naked. I read the small text, and learnt about her performance in Belgrade in 1974.

This performance was called Rhythm 0: 1974. Marina set out to explore the relationship between artist and audience, and boy, did she achieve some results. She had laid a table with 72 items, ranging from a feather boa, to a loaded pistol. And she placed a sign that told the audience that they could use any of the items on the table on her, in any way they saw fit. She promised that she would stay in the same position for 6 hours, and that she would not run away.

Marina said, “What I learned was that… if you leave it up to the audience, they can kill you.” Which in more ways than one, is really true. If you gave someone a...

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“So, what’s the future like for… ” Oh shut up.

Ask me about my future 5 different times, and you’ll get 5 different answers.

I don’t know what my future’s going to be like! Sure, I have plans. But as the name suggests, plans are ultimately, only plans until put into action. I want to be a playwright, I want to be a screenwriter, I want to be an editor, I want to be a poet, I want to be a film critic. There are so many ambitions that I have considered, and not one of them I have truly settled on.

So recently, I had an epiphany (sorry I do exaggerate). Instead of worrying about my future and making rigid plans about my “future” career, I can make the best of my youth and try new things everyday. When’s the best time if not now to experience a little bit of everything?

To quote my Mother: “Be a sponge, and absorb everything, anything that you possibly can. You can never learn too much. Sure it may not be what you want to eventually...

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I’d like to just say

Meeting a new person has not always been my favorite thing in the world. I’m nervous, I’m worried that they might think I’m weird, I might be weird.

I must be honest and say that there have been many people that I have met, and wanted to get to know better, but I didn’t. I mean, I’m not a very interesting person. I’m regular, not spectacular. I stay at home during the weekends watching Seinfeld, and then I turn to pick up my phone. What do I see? Nothing. Not a single notification. Well, except for the occasional “@twinklestarz mentioned you in a tweet”, or “faithandlove liked your photo”.

I unlock my phone, open my apps, and scroll through them, reading about how my primary school friend is going to a club tonight, or how it’s my secondary school classmates’ 2nd anniversary as a couple.

But I do get out of the house. I’m not a hermit. I have friends, not especially close ones, just...

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