“So, what’s the future like for… ” Oh shut up.

Ask me about my future 5 different times, and you’ll get 5 different answers.

I don’t know what my future’s going to be like! Sure, I have plans. But as the name suggests, plans are ultimately, only plans until put into action. I want to be a playwright, I want to be a screenwriter, I want to be an editor, I want to be a poet, I want to be a film critic. There are so many ambitions that I have considered, and not one of them I have truly settled on.

So recently, I had an epiphany (sorry I do exaggerate). Instead of worrying about my future and making rigid plans about my “future” career, I can make the best of my youth and try new things everyday. When’s the best time if not now to experience a little bit of everything?

To quote my Mother: “Be a sponge, and absorb everything, anything that you possibly can. You can never learn too much. Sure it may not be what you want to eventually do, having the knowledge can only be a good thing.”
I thought it was some pretty good advice, and I’m feeling more open-minded on this whole “Future” concept. So, wish me luck.


Now read this


Sometimes the only comfort you need is an empty house and binging on your favourite TV series. You may not always find it in the people you love, it may not be a tight hug or the words that you want to hear at that moment. Kicking off... Continue →