Rom-Coms & MVs


At 5:56pm I find myself trying to remember when was the last time I watched something that was supposed to be sweet and romantic (think Nicholas Sparks, ugh.) and felt good or resolved having watched it.

Truth is, I’m not much of a hopeless romantic, the “they-belong-together” kinda person. Though to be fair, I’ve had my share of awwwww moments. I mean come on, I still listen to Celine Dion, but never watched “Titanic”, not sure if I should be asking you to judge me or not.

It was during Secondary Two, when I went to the cinema to catch “The Last Song” with some friends, and we walked out of the theater like the sorry bunch of schoolgirls we were, sniffling and rambling on and on about how sweet the story was.

Fast forward to right this second, I can’t help to wonder if it was growing up that made me kind of impervious to the little, cute things that happens in an on-screen relationship, the kind of things you want your partner to do for you but they never do (Tough luck, guys). What if it wasn’t the maturity?

Objectifying couples in romantic comedies never end well, movies are after all, movies. Though not to say that the relationships in your actual life don’t live up to those standards, hell it might even be better. That’s not the point I’m trying to make anyway. You know what I’m trying to say, don’t you? No? Never mind.


Now read this

New Year

In 2016, I found myself the most distant from my life goals, I fell victim to the vicious cycle of corporate hours and the hours I had left did not go to the things I’m passionate about. This may sound like the introduction to a 500-word... Continue →