I’d like to just say

Meeting a new person has not always been my favorite thing in the world. I’m nervous, I’m worried that they might think I’m weird, I might be weird.

I must be honest and say that there have been many people that I have met, and wanted to get to know better, but I didn’t. I mean, I’m not a very interesting person. I’m regular, not spectacular. I stay at home during the weekends watching Seinfeld, and then I turn to pick up my phone. What do I see? Nothing. Not a single notification. Well, except for the occasional “@twinklestarz mentioned you in a tweet”, or “faithandlove liked your photo”.

I unlock my phone, open my apps, and scroll through them, reading about how my primary school friend is going to a club tonight, or how it’s my secondary school classmates’ 2nd anniversary as a couple.

But I do get out of the house. I’m not a hermit. I have friends, not especially close ones, just quite a number of regular ones; classmates, colleagues, and cousins what have you.

People who I have wanted to get to know better and hoped to have been close friends with add up to about how many fingers I have on both hands. More often than not, I meet someone, I introduce myself, she tells me about her and I tell her about me. We laugh, we exchange phone numbers. And as we grow closer over time, I begin to find out more things about her. Things she did, that I never thought she would. And I realize, she’s not the person I imagined her to be. I can’t be her friend.

And the cycle goes on. I have never met someone, who is so much like me that I did not want to seem too eager to get to know her.

Honestly, I don’t deserve to have a friend who will be there for me 24/7. Who will surprise me with snacks when I’m bored out of my mind on a Friday afternoon. Who will let me stay over at her place when I have a huge fight with my parents.

I choose my friends. I’m willing to bet they choose me too.


Now read this


Sometimes the only comfort you need is an empty house and binging on your favourite TV series. You may not always find it in the people you love, it may not be a tight hug or the words that you want to hear at that moment. Kicking off... Continue →