
Sometimes the only comfort you need is an empty house and binging on your favourite TV series. You may not always find it in the people you love, it may not be a tight hug or the words that you want to hear at that moment. Kicking off your shoes and snuggling into the blanket can be all the therapy you need.
I for one would much rather be doing all of the above then talking my problems out. I mean, yes, discussing your issues with a friend can definitely be a great way to offload some of that stress, you might even get some great advice. But after a certain amount of time, the routine starts to take its toll and you start to realize that not everyone will be available or willing to lend a listening ear.
What surprises me though, is whom I’m actually comfortable with pouring my sob story to. You’d be surprised, I know I am, that these are usually the people I don’t see very often. These are people I meet once in maybe a few months, or I could’ve only just met them. There is something very liberating about talking to a complete stranger, of course, after the usual stages of awkwardness.
I guess what I’m saying is, not everyone finds comfort the same way, I’ve found mine and I wouldn’t change a thing.


Now read this


Today I stumbled upon a picture on Twitter, and it was of Marina Abramovic, a Serbian performance artist. The picture had her standing still, and in tears with the top half of her body naked. I read the small text, and learnt about her... Continue →