After Hours

Ever had one of those days when it feels like you’re walking against the current and it just keeps getting stronger by the minute? Days like these are starting to manifest within the same week and I’m pretty sure I need more sleep than I’m getting now.

There’s no telling when something is going to go wrong, if it’ll happen in staggers or if it’ll keep piling up on you until you throw in the towel. On good days, the waters are smooth and you glide right through your typical routine. On worst ones, you’re getting the brunt of it from all possible angles, work, family, friends, what have you.

It is on days like these, I relish daydreaming about my future and what could have been, what could be, why am I not there yet. I ask myself all of these questions, constantly and I never get a resolved answer. I wish I had an unwavering soul that was free-spirited, fearless and independent, I won’t need to rely on anyone or anything, I won’t have to dream about my future because I would be doing what I love with absolutely no regrets.

I guess I could quite safely say that I’m perfectly content with where I am right now, I could do a hell of a lot worse. I’m working my first job and I’m having a great time, I’m young and I’m bringing some money home. It feels normal and it feels like I’ve taken the first step. Of what exactly, that, I’ve yet to figure out.


Now read this

Tube of an Office Job

For months on end all I looked forward to was getting the hell out of school and starting work. It was all I focused on, all I saw myself working towards. I couldn’t wait to see familiar faces, people I knew and loved, people I missed... Continue →