It should be Easy like Saturday Mornings

This Saturday morning I woke up more carefree than I have ever been, at least more than I should have been on most weekends. I realized that this was the first in God knows how many Saturdays that I have woken up, not thinking about the emails that I forgot to send, or the 80 emails that I had to read.

At 11am I tossed and turned in bed and under the sheets, wide awake, but the trees were swishing with the wind and the sun was surprisingly, not shining through the curtains and onto my face.

When I finally sat up and grimaced with the usual head rush, I caught a sniff of my hair that was over my head and it smelt like I left the shampoo to marinate overnight.

So I went into my Mom’s room and went through my typical morning routine, without the frantic, sleepy rush that I normally go through on weekdays.

When I stepped out into the living room, I notice that the Chinese New Year decorations were still up on the wall since it ended a month ago. I went to the kitchen and opened the fridge and realized, we actually have no food, save for a lot of eggs. On the side of the fridge there were layers of fast food brochures, and they were all out of date.

Then I went back into the living room and plunged into the sofa, and I looked at the curtains. Hey, we changed it apparently. Our pillowcases are of a different colour, how strange.

These minute little details that I have so carelessly missed, even though I come home every night seemed a little bitter-sweet. It occurred to me that when I do come back home, I only have time for my dinner, if I’m lucky, maybe I get to sit and laze around a little bit. Otherwise, it’s to the shower and off to bed. The next morning I wake up, speaking barely two words to my brother as he goes off to school, and start the pre-Oscar Red Carpet equivalent of getting ready.

If anything, I hope this serves as a reminder, a gentle one, if I may add, because these are good things that I am fortunate to have. The hustle and bustle of work will always get the better of us, and we sometimes don’t realize it in time before we turn into a corporate zombie. We dive right into the big, treacherous ocean and we never find our way back to shore.

If you get the chance to sleep in on Saturday mornings, or just walk around the house you’ve lived in for the past however many years, I implore you to take it. Eventful weekends don’t always mean getting out of the house. When every minute of every day you spend outside of it, Saturday mornings shouldn’t be anything but easy.


Now read this


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