
These are the nights I dread; the ordinary nights. I’m home from an eventful work day having completed a few outstanding tasks, and I’ve never felt emptier than I have on nights like these.

It’s quite an indescribable feeling I must say, but I’ll try to explain this, the only way I know how and I’m not sure anyone would understand.

It’s incomplete, and unsatisfying, it’s coming home after work, thinking you’re done for the day and all you need to do now is sleep and start a new work day tomorrow. I feel unfulfilled. The last thing I’d wish upon myself is to feel trapped in a monotonous cycle. The time I spent in school I spent it fighting the corporate claws and its soul-sucking hours, and by golly am I living the dream!

I am content, I wouldn’t trade this job for anything else, right now. I guess I’m just holding out for something, more. There has to be more, right?


Now read this

I’d still care

They can say a thousand things about you, and they have. None of it good, most of it true. Sometimes I wished they never did, still I’m hearing all of it from everyone else, because I’d only hear half of it from you. It’s still tough... Continue →