New York, New York, Gimme some money?

Anyone who knows me knows, it’s been an ultimate dream of mine to visit the States one day. Well, for me that “one day” would, in a perfect life be today. Oh, wait, I’m broke?


Days ago I made the conviction to save up as much as I could to take me across the world to New York City. Of course, being the dreamer I am, I looked up the air fares from Singapore to NYC and thought to myself, “Well, that’s not too bad, only more than half of my month’s salary!” If I start saving right this second, means no taxi from the train station to my house, then maybe the odds of me making it to the great state would be increased, just a little?

I can just imagine, with a lousy camera that I’ll eventually trade out for my iPhone to snap gorgeous pictures of Times Square. Crossing traffic-filled junctions and hopping on the subway (it may break down but it’s no SMRT). Then the next day I would have tickets to go see whatever musical that would be on Broadway then. Not before I take a walk through Central Park like any other typical tourist and snap pictures of everything I see.


Of course, how can I not take a trip up the Empire State Building. After everything Ted Mosby’s taught us? I would just have to. Not to forget the Guggenheim Museum that I’ve heard and learnt about in school.

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Even now, as I’m writing about what I would do if I ever were in NYC, I feel like I’m already there. Save up? OK.


Now read this

The Big 2-0

Though people sometimes say that turning 20 is somewhat dreadful because gone are the teenage years and partying around. I don’t know if it’s because I rarely or never ever party around (Yes, I’m boring), but hitting the big 2-0 actually... Continue →